Health Care Team

Practice Pharmacists
James Hopkins and Julia Halim

GP Assistant
Toni Jackson

Respiratory Physicians
We a Respiratory Physician at the practice named Nana Sefa-Sarpong. Nana carries out patients Asthma and COPD reviews.

Community Matron
The practice has a Community Matron attached to the practice who helps to provide care for our most vulnerable patients.

District Nurses
District Nursing Team work with us within the community.  They can be contacted on 0151 511 5651.

Health Improvement Team
The Health Improvement Team come to the practice once a week and perform health checks for our eligible patients.

The practice has a Wellbeing team that attend the surgery to provide mental health support and reviews for our patients.

Age UK
Age UK are attend the surgery to support our elderly patients with a variety of needs. She can help with financial difficulties, housing difficulties, mental support and much more. Please contact the practice for more information or see the below link.